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Intent Performance Score Overview
Intent Performance Score Overview

Find out about the Intent Performance Score

Charley Bader avatar
Written by Charley Bader
Updated over a week ago

The Intent Performance Score allows you to understand the overall performance of your site from an intent perspective, made up of the predictive metrics we provide. The score, out of 100, tells you how well your site is able to:

Engage; How well your website can initiate a journey and move visitors from the browsing stage

Build Intent; How well your website engages and grows visitor intent levels

Maintain Intent; How well your website translates purchase actions to purchase intent

Convert; How well your website 'closes the sale'

These phases make up your total score. You’re able to understand where the key drop-off area is for your site and dive into these four phases, and corresponding opportunity. To find out more around how you can filter, and break down your score, click here

Each Phase has a Phase Performance Score. The Score ranges from Very Poor to Excellent, and is an indication of how well this phase is performing based on drop-off rate compared against other eCommerce websites. Drop-off rate is the number of visitors who do not reach the next phase of the Intent Performance Funnel.

Once you have identified a phase to focus on, you are then able to click through to explore the phase further.

On this page, you will see segments from our Made with Intent segmentation framework that correspond to this phase. You are able to filter these by the same options available to you on the Overview page (more information on these can be found here), as well as the User State.

There are three user states within our segmentation framework;

Focus; these users are moving positively through the phase, and likely to move into the next. These are either the users you may want to leave alone, as they are progressing positively, or those you could look to upsell to.

Struggle; these users are struggling to move forward in their phase, and need support. This may be the time to support them with product evaluation, or a time to use social proof style messaging to reassure them of their choice.

Abandon; these users look to be abandoning the site in the current phase they’re in. It’s time to think about what persuasive messaging or incentives you can use to get them to stay, or to capture their email address to re-market to them at a later date.

These segments also have a Performance Score, like the Phases do, showing an indication of how well the segment is performing based on drop-off rate compared against other eCommerce websites.

More information on our Made with Intent segments, and how to action them, can be found here

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