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Integration Templates
Integration Templates
Charley Bader avatar
Written by Charley Bader
Updated over a week ago

This article provides detailed information about the templates available for configuring your integrations with third-party tools in the Made with Intent product.

In Session Template

The In-Session template is best used if you are looking to use the integration to target customers in-flight during their time on site

  • Intent State; the users current intent performance state

  • Intent Phase; the users current intent performance phase

  • Latest Intent Label; the users latest expected conversion score label (low, medium, high)

  • Purchase Intent Momentum; the recent trend of purchase momentum (very negative, negative, steady, positive, very positive)

  • Add to Cart Intent Momentum; the recent trend of add to cart momentum (very negative, negative, steady, positive, very positive)

  • Exit Intent Momentum; the recent trend of exit momentum (very negative, negative, steady, positive, very positive)

  • Exit Intent Label; the users latest expected exit score label (low, medium, high)

  • Return Intent Momentum; the recent trend of return momentum (very negative, negative, steady, positive, very positive)

  • Expected Progression; the users latest expected progression score label (low, medium, high)

  • Current Buying Stage; the current buying stage of a user

  • Top Product Category Affinity; the top product category a user has an affinity towards

  • Top Product SKU Affinity; the top product SKU a user has an affinity towards

  • Top Product Name Affinity; the top product name a user has an affinity towards

  • Last Matched Priority Segment; the top priority segment a user has last matched (if a user matches multiple segments a score is used to determine the ranking of these segments)

Post-Visit Template

The Post-Visit template is best used if you are looking to use the integration to target customers post their visit to site, for example in email campaigns

  • Intent Phase; the users last intent performance phase

  • Last Purchase Intent label; the users last expected conversion score label (low, medium, high)

  • Peak Intent label; the users peak expected conversion score label throughout their journey (low, medium, high)

  • Last Known Return Intent label; the users last expected return score label (low, medium, high)

  • Last Buying Stage; the users last buying stage

  • Peak Buying Stage; the users peak buying stage throughout their journey

  • Top Product Category Affinity; the top product category a user has an affinity towards

  • Top Product SKU Affinity; the top product SKU a user has an affinity towards

  • Top Product Name Affinity; the top product name a user has an affinity towards

  • Last Matched Priority Segment; the top priority segment a user has last matched (if a user matches multiple segments a score is used to determine the ranking of these segments)

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