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Made with Intent Segments
Made with Intent Segments
Charley Bader avatar
Written by Charley Bader
Updated over a week ago

We provide you with a Made with Intent Segmentation Framework that can be utilised for both on-site and post visit experience optimisation. The framework takes into account the following;

  • Objective & Phase; What should we be trying to get the customer to do? Engage, Build Intent, Maintain Intent or Convert

  • Current State; Is the customer showing positive or negative behaviours? Focussed Shopping, Struggle Behaviour or Abandon

  • Context; What do we understand about a customers level of intent and Buying Stage?

These segments can be found by either navigating through the Intent Performance Score, via the Overview tab, or through the My Segments tab.

If you'd like to learn more about the MWI segments, and ideas for experiences you could serve these customers, click through onto their pages below.

Engage Segments


Segment Name



These customers are early in the early stage of their shopping journey, they have initiated their journey and are showing positive intent to progress


These customers are engaging, but not much. They aren’t looking likely to progress from Browsing


These customers are starting to interact with the website and passing events to MWI, but they’re not progressing from Browsing and actively engaging in product discovery (yet). Unengaged Browsers are characterised by their lack of interaction beyond basic page views


These customers are in their first session and are likely to abandon without taking any meaningful action


These customers are in their first session and are likely to abandon without taking any meaningful action and are unlikely to return

Build Intent Segments


Segment Name



These customers have initiated their journey and are actively engaging with the website and should be growing their intent. They are currently Refining products, trying to find the right one to match their requirements


These customers are positively evaluating products, but have not yet built an affinity to any items


These customers are on a PDP, with strong affinity for the product they’re looking at and high Add to Basket activity, but they have not yet added any items to the basket


These customers are in the Refining stage and have high engagement in this stage. They have not been on a product page in the last 10 events and are not likely to progress to Evaluating


Struggling Evaluators are the tire-kickers. They are shoppers immersed in the evaluation stage, showing an interest in what your brand offers but without any clear direction or behaviour towards purchase


Customers who have built a product affinity, but have not added any items to the basket and their journey is showing signs of slowing down / heading in the wrong direction


Customers in the Refining Stage, who are highly likely to abandon


Customers in the Evaluating Stage, who are highly likely to abandon their session

Maintain Intent Segments


Segment Name



These shoppers are on the cusp of conversion, are progressing nicely and making their final decision(s) before moving to checkout


Landing page customers who have returned to the site and after showing high intent to purchase, who are likely back to purchase again


Typical “basket builder” behaviour. Either these customers are building a list to compare, or they’re adding multiple items to their basket to purchase


These customers are in the Committing stage, were showing good intent to purchase, but have just seen a significant drop in intent


These customers have built up a basket and are now showing signs that they’re likely to leave and not return


These customers have built up a basket and are now showing signs that they’re likely to leave and may return

Convert Segments


Segment Name



These shoppers are on the cusp of conversion and are progressing nicely


Landing page customers who have returned to the site with positive intent after abandoning their order


Customers likely on the checkout, who are showing struggle behaviours


Customers who showed they are ready to convert, but are no longer on the checkout and who showing struggle behaviours


Customers who showed signs they wanted to convert, but are now abandoning the journey and are unlikely to return

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