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Bloomreach Integration
Bloomreach Integration
Charley Bader avatar
Written by Charley Bader
Updated over 6 months ago

Our Bloomreach integration allows you to push Intent Metrics into Bloomreach in order to add a predictive layer to your setup for more appropriate on-site experiences and reengagement tactics.


Within the integration configuration you are able to choose whether you would like to send data as Customer Properties (which will update a user's Customer Properties within their Bloomreach profile) or as an Event (which will send a named event to Bloomreach containing the information).

If you choose Event, you can then decide when this will trigger;

  • On event; this will send every inference response we receive

  • On change; when the data changes between inference responses

  • On page view; this will only send information on each pageview

Seeing the data in Bloomreach

Once you have set up the integration within the platform, you can follow the steps below to see the data within Bloomreach.

  • Login into your Bloomreach account

  • Navigate to the Data Manager section and click on Data & Asset

  • You will be able to see the intent data customer properties (from your selected data pack) that are being passed through, as displayed below:

You can also view the intent data customer properties flowing through into individual customer profiles, again within the Data & Asset section:

Key Use Cases

To get started we would recommend taking the below approach, which will give you a blend between driving immediate value vs. creating a longer term strategic approach within your reengagement teams.

  1. Test optimising your triggering rules for existing email capture web layers with our predictive intent metrics, and begin to think about the relevancy of content for each segment of users

  2. Enhance existing behavioural scenarios by creating additional conditional splits around intent attributes; segmenting audiences and personalising the content within your communications, whether that be email or wider paid marketing channels

  3. Expand your email capture strategy further through exploring new web layer opportunities targeted on predicted behaviour and improved context with intent

  4. Combine your experimentation and CRM strategy together with our intent segmentation, to provide users with a seamless experience from point of email capture to relevancy of communications to a personalised journey once they land back on your website

Email Capture Use Case

For the majority, the rules behind email sign up form triggering are relatively basic and lack real-time context of the users behaviour. Welcome pop-ups traditionally driven by time spent on site or exit pop-ups triggered through mouse movement just feels generic, and comes with the risk of disrupting the user journey, hindering sign up rates and potentially conversion.

Through listening to every interaction and non-interaction event, we can now provide the essential context that will make your email capture strategy relevant, efficient and effective. Within our intent framework, we not only understand the phase the customer is currently in on your website (i.e. whether they are not yet engaged, building intent, maintaining intent or ready to convert), but we understand their state (focused, struggling, abandoning). Together this allows you to trigger the most appropriate email sign up form at the most appropriate time.

Take your welcome email sign up form as an example; rather than triggering it based on time spent on site, fire it based on a user successfully progressing into the “building intent” phase, at a state where they are “focused” so you know they are already engaged and therefore more likely to respond. Now take a step further, and think about how the content of your welcome sign up form can flex depending on the phase and state of the customer i.e. providing discount codes before the user has passed the “Engage” phase becomes untimely vs. other rich content that may be available and more relevant. This will add valuable layers to your email capture strategy, rather than deploying a catch all approach.

Similarly, for your exit intent sign up form; with predictive intent you can now trigger it based on the movement of a user towards an abandoning state as opposed to rely on rudimentary mouse movement, allowing you to be proactive and personalised in your email capture strategy.

Email Campaigns

Pushing our intent metrics into Bloomreach provides you with additional contextual data points to segment your existing campaigns as well as form opportunities for new communications. Again this will automatically add a layer of personalisation to your CRM activity, driving relevancy and in turn increased engagement.

The basket abandonment campaign is a great example of where our intent metrics can be game changing. In most cases, when a user adds to basket before ending their session without purchasing, a generic behavioural email campaign is activated to provide a reminder to the user, often partnered with a discount incentive. Through understanding the intent of the user, you can begin to segment this campaign in multiple ways. For instance, knowing the state the user was in when leaving your website along with their intent to return should impact the content of the campaign.

  • Do I need to discount?

  • Should I adjust the level of discount depending on the intent?

  • Would other content be more relevant?

  • Do I need to do anything at all?

Immediately, the context of real-time intent add layers to a once single-minded campaign, enabling the right questions to be asked in order to drive effective communications that are not only more personalised to behaviour, but in some cases more profitable as well.

Applying our intent framework to your communications will bring a whole new level of behavioural campaigns, segmented with real-time context. Communications based on each phase (engage, build intent, maintain intent, convert) become more relevant as opposed to a catch all browse abandonment campaign, which assumes that every customer that hasn’t add to basket is purely in a discovery state. This valuable context powers the content for each email to encourage the user to progress through the phases and nurture them depending on their state. Knowing and understanding the intent is how you replicate in-person relationships through your CRM programme.

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