Here you can find a list of all available variables, and definitions, that users can be matched against whilst visiting your site and are available as variables within the custom segment builder.
Objective & Behaviour
Objective Phase; what phase is the visitor currently in of our linear 4-phase journey. Made up of;
Engage; How well your website can initiate a journey and move visitors from the browsing stage
Build Intent; How well your website engages and grows visitor intent levels
Maintain Intent; How well your website translates purchase actions to purchase intent
Convert; How well your website 'closes the sale'
Behavioural State; what behavioural state is the visitor in
Focus; these users are moving positively through the phase, and likely to move into the next.
Struggle; these users are struggling to move forward in their phase, and need support.
Abandon; these users look to be abandoning the site in the current phase they’re in.
Buying Stage; the predicted Buying Stage of a user
Latest; based on a users most recent predicted buying stage
Peak; based on the furthest buying stage a user has reached
Intent to; the predicted Intent of a user
To Add to Cart; their intent to add an item to cart (either their 'Latest' or 'Peak')
To Exit; their intent to exit their session (either their 'Latest' or 'Peak')
To Progress; their intent to progress through buying stages (either their 'Latest' or 'Peak')
To Purchase; their intent to purchase (either their 'Latest' or 'Peak')
To Return; their intent to return for a further session (either their 'Latest' or 'Peak')
Page Views; the number of page views a visitor has had for
Product Lister
Total page views
E-commerce Metrics
Cart Additions; the number of add to carts a visitor has had
Item Value Added; the value of an item the visitor has added to cart
Session number; the session number of the visitor
Click Event; a click event on an element using the following;
Element Class
Element ID
Element Text
Device Type; the device type a visitor is visiting your site on
Event Type; a specific event a visitor has done
Page View
Add to Cart
Page Info; the page a visitor is on, or has visited, split into;
Landing Page; whether this page is their landing page (true or false)
Page Brand; the brand of the page
Page Category; the category of the page
Page Subcategory; the subcategory of the page
Page Type; the type of the page
Page URL Path; the full URL, excluding the query strings and domain
Page URL Slug; the last part of the URL path
Product Info; the product a visitor is on, or has visited, split into;
Product Brand; the brand of the product
Product Category; the category of the product
Product Name; the name of the product
Product Price; the price of the product
Product SKU; the SKU of the product
Product Subcategory; the subcategory of the product
Traffic Source; the source a user has come from, using;
Landing Page Type; the page type of the landing page
Landing Page URL; the URL of the landing page
Marketing Type; based on groupings of query strings e.g. PPC, Email, Organic
Referrer Type; based on groupings of the referral URL e.g. Search, Social, Direct
UTM Medium; the UTM medium query string parameter
UTM Source; the UTM source query string parameter