Here you can find a list of all available variables, and definitions, that users can be matched against whilst visiting your site and are available as variables within the custom segment builder.
Objective & Behaviour
Objective Phase; what phase is the visitor currently in of our linear 4-phase journey. Made up of;
Engage; How well your website can initiate a journey and move visitors from the browsing stage
Build Intent; How well your website engages and grows visitor intent levels
Maintain Intent; How well your website translates purchase actions to purchase intent
Convert; How well your website 'closes the sale'
Behavioural State; what behavioural state is the visitor in
Focus; these users are moving positively through the phase, and likely to move into the next.
Struggle; these users are struggling to move forward in their phase, and need support.
Abandon; these users look to be abandoning the site in the current phase they’re in.
Buying Stage; the predicted Buying Stage of a user
Intent to; the predicted Intent of a user
To Add to Cart; their intent to add an item to cart
To Exit; their intent to exit their session
To Progress; their intent to progress through buying stages
To Purchase; their intent to purchase
To Return; their intent to return for a further session
Affinities (these are all based on your data layer)
Product Affinities
product_brand - the product brand a user has an affinity towards
product_category - the product category a user has an affinity towards
product_name - the product a user has an affinity towards (name)
product_price_band - the product price band a user has an affinity towards
product_sku - the product a user has an affinity towards (SKU)
product_subcategory - the product subcategory a user has an aff
Page Affinities
page_brand - the brand a user has an affinity towards
page_category - the page category a user has an affinity towards
page_subcategory - the page subcategory a user has an affinity towards
page_type - the page type a user has an affinity towards
page_url_slug - the page a user has an affinity towards based on URL slug
Please Note; All Audience Estimator files have begun populating with data for Affinities from the 17th February 2025. As estimates are based on the last 30 days of data, historic journeys will not contain them, so estimates will be lower than expected as these journeys come to an end.
Page Views; the number of page views a visitor has had for
Product Lister
Total page views
E-commerce Metrics
Cart Additions; the number of add to carts a visitor has had
Item Value Added; the value of an item the visitor has added to cart
Session number; the session number of the visitor
Click Event; a click event on an element using the following;
Element Class
Element ID
Element Text
Device Type; the device type a visitor is visiting your site on
Event Type; a specific event a visitor has done
Page View
Add to Cart
Page Info; the page a visitor is on, or has visited, split into;
Landing Page; whether this page is their landing page (true or false)
Page Brand; the brand of the page
Page Category; the category of the page
Page Subcategory; the subcategory of the page
Page Type; the type of the page
Page URL Path; the full URL, excluding the query strings and domain
Page URL Slug; the last part of the URL path
Product Info; the product a visitor is on, or has visited, split into;
Product Brand; the brand of the product
Product Category; the category of the product
Product Name; the name of the product
Product Price; the price of the product
Product SKU; the SKU of the product
Product Subcategory; the subcategory of the product
Traffic Source; the source a user has come from, using;
Landing Page Type; the page type of the landing page
Landing Page URL; the URL of the landing page
Marketing Type; based on groupings of query strings e.g. PPC, Email, Organic
Referrer Type; based on groupings of the referral URL e.g. Search, Social, Direct
UTM Medium; the UTM medium query string parameter
UTM Source; the UTM source query string parameter