There are a few reasons you may need to create a new property within Made With Intent;
If you would like to implement Made With Intent on your staging, or dev, site
If you have multiple brands within your organisation
If you would like to have separate properties for different language sites
Please note, if you would like to have additional properties this will need to be agreed with the Sales & Customer team. Reach out to your contact to find out more.
In order to create a new property;
Navigate to 'Settings' within the product, which can be found here
βOnce on the settings page, click 'Sites / Properties'
Then select 'Create New Property'
The name of the site
The site URL
Set the 'Status' to 'Active' (this enables data processing)
Click 'Create Property'
βThe property will then appear in the list.
From here you will then be able to see the Ingestion ID which is needed for Implementation. More information on how to implement Made With Intent can be found here
Note, in order to create a new property you will need to be an Account Admin. If you are not sure who this is, please reach out to your Customer team